Men’s Gift Needs
For Agape Center Gifts Department
Deodorant Shaving Cream Disposable Razors
Shampoo Conditioner 2 in 1 (shampoo & conditioner)
Body Wash 3 in 1 (new concept – shampoo, conditioner & body wash )
Hair Brushes Combs Watches Ball Caps
Winter Hats Gloves Scarves Flashlights
CD’s & DVD’s (Christian is best – or for secular, no R rated please)
Bibles / New Testaments Books / Magazines (appropriate content)
Journals Small Notepads (like spiral that can fit in a pocket) Pens / Pencils
Hand or Foot Warmers (small bags that you activate and place in gloves or shoes)
Coffee Coffee Mugs Water Bottles (ex: plastic, aluminum) Candy
Snacks (ex: nuts, crackers, chips – individual or small bags are great)
Socks Belts Flashlights
Pkgs of t-shirts (especially big sizes Xlg and bigger)
Sweatshirts, Hoodies & Sweat Pants (large sizes Xlg & larger)
Tools (ex: screwdrivers, ratchet set, tape measure, etc…)
Car accessories (ex: air fresheners, tire pressure gauge, car wash, towels, tire plug, bungee cords, commuter mugs or cups, etc….)
Handheld Electronic Games Card Games (Ex: Uno etc…)
Board Games Crossword Puzzle Books Ear Buds
Tarps Rope/Cording Carabiners Key Chains Lanyards
Hackeysacks Baseballs Nerf type basketballs or football
Sports Teams logo’d items (ex: clothing, car flags, mugs, glasses, cups, water bottles, balls, stuffed animal)